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100 Days at ONKHO : Multi-tasking accountants!


The best of times are when you’re cooking with gas! We’re having a whale of a time over here at Onkho as we continue to innovate at pace, exciting #accountants as we continue to show just how well we understand their needs.

We spent a good amount of time literally watching #accountants at work before starting to build our platform. The fact that our thesis continues to hold true and customers continue to love the platform is extremely gratifying. It’s hard working in the dark with no idea if there is light at the end of the tunnel 🙂 Most recently, we realised that our newest customers are coming to us from our competitors. Well, that just inspires us even more!

So, enough self-indulgence! What have we done in the last 100 days?


We noticed that #accountants rarely do just one thing. They might be working on a set of accounts but at the same time, they may take a call, need to make a note about another client etc. It’s truly multi-tasking. Unfortunately, most screens are designed to accomplish one thing with maybe a few links to related things. Not in Onkho.

In keeping with our ideal of reflecting rather than bending reality we added super powers to our Insights which enable multi-tasking across the whole platform:

  • Intelligent shortcuts mean you might be viewing a client’s CRM record but also add a note to another client, email another client, mark a job as complete – all without leaving the screen you’re on.
  • Bulk actions and updates mean you can apply an action e.g. send an email/SMS, update a bunch of jobs etc. to more than one client, contact, job and even steps!

Combining super-powered Insights with our Widgets mean that our customers are effectively now building the practice management solution that suits them!


Our #accountants are now firmly in control of Inbox. They’ve embraced it so quickly that the pipeline of requests isn’t just deep, the ideas are nothing short of brilliant. We’re lucky they’re so engaged because every feature we build seems to wow new #accountants as well.

We added SMS. So now, SMS appears in the same conversations as emails and notes – a truly #omnichannel communication experience.

We also added more productivity features to get #accountants even closer to the #ZeroInbox dream!

  • Snooze a conversation. For the emails (or SMS etc.) that don’t need your attention until later (hours, days, weeks etc.) just set when you want to see them again.
  • Send an email or SMS later. It pays not to be omnipresent. Now you can write emails and SMS in the evening and have them scheduled to be sent during business hours.


We’re working on integrations next but with a twist… our #accountants know what we’re alluding to 🙂 Let’s just say that exchanging data between platforms is no more than a basic requirement in our opinion. Integrations need to be super-charged to deliver value beyond that. We’re all about doing just that so watch this space…

…the next 100 days are going to be fun!

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